Called the “stone of health,” it was believed to give its wearer energy and protect against illness. Because garnets were considered the stone of health and strength, they have been used to strengthen a woman’s milk supply and for fertility. Garnets were also worn by young girls as a charm to protect them from evil spirits.



The Heartland of Soul Healing & Protection

The Rose Quartz & Garnet Talisman

$148 inclusive postage and insurance within Australia

Made for the witch/wizzard/ healer that needs to work on the fly. Shibari bound with sterling silver.

Rose quartz is known as a healing crystal and the stone of unconditional love. It’s believed by some to emit strong vibrations of love, which are thought to: support emotional and relationship healing. inspire compassion. boost feelings of peace and calm.

The garnet crystal is a gemstone that has been used for centuries to ward off evil, promote good health, and encourage the wearer’s inner strength. It was believed in ancient times to have healing powers because of its deep red color which symbolizes love and life. Today people around the world believe it can help with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues.

Called the “stone of health,” it was believed to give its wearer energy and protect against illness. Because garnets were considered the stone of health and strength, they have been used to strengthen a woman’s milk supply and for fertility. Garnets were also worn by young girls as a charm to protect them from evil spirits.

Today, garnet crystals are believed to have healing powers that can increase energy levels and strengthen the immune system.

Lovingly created and activated by Elemental Alchemist Andrew Yeo from

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