Refine your awareness of energetics & allow yourself to more swiftly tap into electric communication, sound healing, divine timing & interconnectedness. Expand your spacious awareness & augment your experience.
Want to heighten your intuitive capacities? The Conscious Connector Elixir refines awareness, helps you swiftly tap into electric communication, sound healing & interconnectedness. Expand your spacious awareness & anticipate others’ needs.
MAGNIFIES: Swift exchange of understanding of people, places & groups, heightened familial love, electric communication, timing and action, ability to hold intensity of emotion for yourself and others, healing power of your voice, desire for your sacred contribution to become manifest. Connecting star beings, soul star and star child within.
DISSOLVES: Holding back or playing small; avoidance of communication or intense emotions; being attached to outcomes or limiting possibilities; saviour complex; hesitation, apathy or wrong timing.
CHAKRA: Crown, Heart, Third Eye, Soul Star & Storm
Withania, siberian ginseng, lavender, chamomile, raisins, rosehip, cornflowers, liquorice, chrysanthemum, hibiscus, damiana, fennel, lemon myrtle, marshmallow root, cardamom, rooibos, oolong, gunpowder green tea, elderflower, cinnamon, lemon verbena, hawthorn berry, calendula, dandelion, rose
1111hz & 963hz Solfeggio Frequency.
963 Hz connects us with the perfection of the universe, allowing us to tap into the oneness that permeates everything that is and will be. Associated with the crown chakra, and the pineal gland, our gateway to intuition, psychic vision.
1111 Hz connects you with universal guidance and spiritual flow. Regular listening will ensure that you are in cosmic attunement and ready to receive guidance through synchronicities, patterns, and intuitive nudges in your daily life.
Listen to this angelic frequency to connect with universal guidance and higher consciousness today.
Crystal Frequency of Herkermer Diamond
Herkimer Diamond is a high vibrational stone commonly referred to as “The Stone of Attunement”. It’s energies work to put you at ease while in uncomfortable environments and will guide you in the right direction in tough situations assisting in attuning the astral realm & physical realm. It will raise your telepathic abilities and allow better communication with your spirit guides.
Crystal Frequency of Moldavite
Moldavite is a useful stone for star children and sensitive souls who find it difficult being in incarnation on the earth. It is a stone of connectivity and acts as a catalyst to create confirmation. Moldavite carries an intense frequency, a fusion of earthly and extraterrestrial energies.
Frequency Elixir: Set your intention. Take 3 drops, 2 times a day, if your are starting a cycle. Take 9 drops, 2 times a day if you are finishing a cycle. Put a dropperful in every water bottle and shake away. When you get your elixir, tap it on on the heel of your foot 100 times to connect and activate the elixir to your body.