Metamorphosis Manifesto 25 : Review, Renew, Reinvent
Sound Bath and Drumming Emersion
Come and join Andrew Yeo from in a sound journey to reflect on your years journey as we take time to reset and renew and embracing letting go of what no longer serves. It is a time to set our Intentions and manifest what we would like to bring in for 2025.
A crystal bowl n drumming sound bath and soul journey. Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations and sounds of Crystal, Alchemy , Tibetan singing bowls and shamanic drumming.
There will be a guided meditation that will help you reflect, find balance and bring this amazing community together. It is also a way to create and set an intent for what we would like to bring about an acceptance to this year. Open yourself to love and revitalise every cell of your body with a nourishing Crystal Sound Healing. This soul-filling exercise will release blocks that may prevent you from deeply and lovingly connecting with yourself and living your purpose. Clear and break patterns of your ancestral karmic patterns and live your best life.
WHEN: Thursday 30th January 7pm to 9pm
WHERE: 71 North St Milton Ulladulla Church Hall
COST: $68pp
Bookings are essential please SMS or email: Andrew Yeo 0404 837 250 if you have any questions. Please bring a your yoga mat, Blanket any additional cushions if you would like, water and warm clothes or blankets (a warm space will be provided but if you would like to bring extra for for some additional coziness please do).

Ancestral Soul Origin: The Genesis Blueprint
Sound Bath and Drumming Emersion
Come and join Andrew Yeo from in a sound journey to connecting with your ancestral timeline and healing the sacred masculine within us. This is a workshop for everyone both male, female and non binary.
A crystal bowl drumming sound bath and soul journey. Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations and sounds of Crystal, Alchemy , Tibetan singing bowls and shamanic drumming.
Samhain in the northern hemisphere is the period of the year where the veil are the thinnest and is the perfect time to connect with our guides and our ancestors. Beltane in the southern hemisphere is the time when we celebrate the peak os spring and the coming of summer bringing growth and expansion.
There will be a guided meditation that will help you reflect, It is also a way to create and set an intent for what we would like to heal the ancestral timeline. Open yourself to love flowing us to move forward, grow and revitalise every cell of your body with a nourishing Crystal Sound Healing. This soul-filling exercise will release blocks that may prevent you from deeply and lovingly connecting with yourself and living your purpose. Clear and break patterns of your ancestral karmic patterns and live your best life.
WHEN: Thursday 31th October 7pm to 9pm
WHERE: 71 North St, Milton Ulladulla Uniting Church Hall, NSW, Australia, New South Wales
COST: $60pp
Trybooking link:
Bookings are essential please SMS or email: Andrew Yeo 0404 837 250 if you have any questions. Please bring a your yoga mat, Blanket any additional cushions if you would like, water and warm clothes or blankets (a warm space will be provided but if you would like to bring extra for for some additional coziness please do).
Andrew is the founder Teapot Teas, The Spiritual Co-op and know as The Elemental Alchemist, fusing together different frequencies of plants and herbs to create high vibrational teas. He is a seer and channel, transformational healer and elemental ritual specialist. Andrew has brought his ancestral heritage of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, expertise as a master tea blender, chef and western herbalist, along with his other holistic therapies such as reiki, crystal healing, aromatherapy and his own modality Holographic Timeline Healing. He works with organisations and individuals to harness transformational changes. Andrew is a catalyst who can help you inspire authenticity and self acceptance. He can assist you in this enlightening and engaging process of bridging the gap between the now and into a process of balancing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self.
Soul Alchemy : Coming Home Retreat
Come and join Andrew Yeo from and Maiya Kenny from in a journey to finding and reclaiming yourself through Crystal bowl & drumming sound bath and a Satsang soul journey.
Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations and sounds of Crystal, Alchemy , Tibetan singing bowls and shamanic drumming.
There will be a guided meditation that will help you reflect, find balance and bring this amazing community together. It is also a way to create and set an intent for what we would like to manifest into our lives. Open yourself to love and revitalise every cell of your body with a nourishing Crystal Sound Healing. This soul-filling exercise will release blocks that may prevent you from deeply and lovingly connecting with yourself and living your purpose. Clear your karmic patterns for renewal, rebirth and re-emergences.
WHEN: Sunday 31st August 2024
TIME: 10am to 3pm
WHERE: Berry CWA Hall. 79 Victoria St, Berry NSW 2535
COST: $188pp
Bookings are essential.
Please SMS or email:
Maiya Kenny
or Andrew Yeo
if you have any questions.
Please bring a your yoga mat if you have one, any additional cushions if you would like, water and warm clothes or blankets (a warm space and blankets are provided but if you would like to bring extra for for some additional coziness please do). Morning herbal tea is provided. Bring your own lunch or something to share.
Tea Leaf Reading and Herb Lore Workshop
Immerse yourself in the ritual of tea. Look into the window of your soul through the reflection in your teacup.
Learn how to read and understand tea leaves in the bottom of your cup. Understand how herb lore and herb psychometry plays in tea leaf reading. Learn how to use the Gypsy Tea Oracle Cards in conjunction with Tea cup and Tea Leaf Reading.
Come and join Andrew Yeo in this journey and learning the art of Tasseomancy. You might recognise The Mad Hatter himself from SBS's TV program Medicine or Myth.
Date: 18 April 2021
Day: Sunday
Time: 1 pm to 4 pm
Place: Rising From The Ashes/ The Spiritual Co-op
Shop 5, The Chambers, 23 Wason St, Milton, 2538
Hop into our online to make the a booking $150
or stop by The Spiritual Co-op to book and pay in person

Past Workshops
Tea leaf reading & Herb Lore workshop: Ulladulla
Immerse yourself in the ritual of tea. Look into the window of your soul through the reflection in your teacup.
Learn how to read and understand tea leaves in the bottom of your cup. Understand how herb lore and herb psychometry plays in tea leaf reading.
Come and join Andrew in this journey and learning the art of Tasseomancy.
Learn how to use the Gypsy Tea Oracle Cards in conjunction with Tea cup and Tea Leaf Reading.
Date: 18 April 2020
Day: Saturday
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Place: Healing Hearts at Ulladulla
Shop 14, The Plaza, 107-109 Princes Hwy
(02) 4454 5597
Hop into our online to make the a booking $150
or stop by Healing Hearts at Ulladulla to book and pay in person

Teapot Teas Tasting & Free Mini Readings: Ulladulla
Come and join the Mad Hatter Andrew Yeo the founder and creator of Teapot Teas and have a taste of the Teapot Teas Experience. You might recognise him from SBS tv program Medicine or Myth.
Learn about herbal teas and how you can bring balance into your health and life on a all levels of mind, body and spirit. Andrew will be doing Free mini herb lore readings on the day too.
This is a FREE event so come along and bring your friends too.
Date: 7 March 2020
Day: Saturday
Time: 11am to 12 noon
Place: Healing Hearts at Ulladulla
Shop 14, The Plaza, 107-109 Princes Hwy
(02) 4454 5597

Free Facebook Live Mini Readings
Welcome to 2020. This year Andrew will be doing free live mini readings to whom he is drawn too. Come and join Andrew for some insights into this coming year.
These lives will be every Tuesday @ 8.00pm NSW time, on the Andrew Yeo page

Tea Leaf Reading Workshop: Canberra
Tea leaf reading workshop
Immerse yourself in the ritual of tea. Look into the window of your soul through the reflection in your teacup.
Learn how to read and understand tea leaves in the bottom of your cup.
Come and join Andrew in this journey and learning the art of Tasseomancy.
Learn how to use the Gypsy Tea Oracle Cards in conjunction with Tea cup and Tea Leaf Reading.
Date: 28 July 2019
Day: Sunday
Time: 10 am to 3pm with a lunch break
Place: Shop 1 Ginninderra Village,
O'Hanlon Place, Gold Creek,
Nicholls, Canberra,
Australian Capital Territory 2913
Hop into our online to make the a booking $150
or stop by The Crystal Chalice to book and pay in person
Tea Leaf Reading Workshop: Sydney
Tea leaf reading workshop
Immerse yourself in the ritual of tea. Look into the window of your soul through the reflection in your teacup.
Learn how to read and understand tea leaves in the bottom of your cup.
Come and join Andrew in this journey and learning the art of Teomancy, herb psychometry and using the Gypsy Tea Oracle.
Date: 29 June 2019
Day: Saturday
TIme: 1 pm to 4pm
Place: Teapot Teas
160 Liverpool Rd
Enfeild NSW 2136
Hop into our online to make the a booking $150
Tea Leaf Reading Workshop: Albury
Immerse yourself in the ritual of tea. Look into the window of your soul through the reflection in your teacup.
Learn how to read and understand tea leaves in the bottom of your cup.
Come and join Andrew in this journey and learning the art of Tasseomancy.
Learn how to use herb psychometry, the Gypsy Tea Oracle Cards in conjunction with Tea cup and Tea Leaf Reading.
31st August 2019
1 pm to 5 pm
The Goddess Emporium
548 Olive St, Albury , NSW 2640
Book on the link below or book and pay at The Goddess Emporium
Divining Under The Moon
Join Bernadette Popic & Andrew Yeo for a night of divination. Let the intuitive full moon, shine upon all that their divination gifts have to offer, from mediumship, herb & crystal psychometry, tea leaf and oracle reading to channeling.
Embrace a night of messages from spirit whilst enjoying an assortment of cheeses paired with herbal teas from Teapot Teas.
Teapot Teas
160 Liverpool Rd
Enfield 2136
14th Sept 2019
7 to 9.30pm
Bring your bestie along.
Book with the link below $60
Tea Alchemy
Tea Alchemy is back! With so many people asking to about another Tea Alchemy Workshop, we are going to open our doors and let people into our blending studio and do it all over again! This is will be the last one for the year.
Tea Alchemy is a must do experience! Lose yourself, forget time and engross yourself in blending your own unique & beautiful blends of teas.
The tea bag has taken that formality of tea drinking.
Let's put back some of the joy & create a beautiful & fragrant relaxing ritual around tea time again..
Let's make it fun and join Andrew our Master Tea Blender Owner of Teapot Teas & Mad Hatter himself for an afternoon of learning to create magic:
- herbs and teas
- blending & tossing your own custom therapeutic blend
- blending & tossing you own custom flavour for your own unique taste
Date: 28th September
Day: Saturday
TIme: 1pm-5pm
Place: The Teapot Home of Teapot Teas
160 Liverpool Rd
Enfield, 2136
Hop into our online portal to make the a booking $150